Frequently asked questions


I ordered an item a while ago but haven't gotten any dispatch email. Why?

First check if it's been over a week since you placed your order, as I may take up to a week for processing.

If it has been over a week, check your spam folder. In far the most cases, this is where the email is.

If there are any issues regarding your order specifically, we will contact you. These emails also often end up in the spam folder.

If there is no email, check the website for information about production status.

If there is no notification of the production status, you may contact us using the provided email at the bottom of the page.


Are your toys made of skin safe material?

Yes, we use silicone rubber that is certified for body applications.

I've used your sex toy for a while now and it's gotten very sticky. Why?

The silicone rubber I use is very soft, and the stickiness is a natural property of soft silicone rubber. The softer it gets, the stickier it gets too.

I give them a light coat of talc powder before bagging them, which will wear off over time. This is normal and does not mean the product is faulty.

Does your products work with other toys?

The material I use is very soft and stretchy, so you will be able to use them with some other toys, as long as they are not too big. A toy that is up to three times the diameter of the interior of my toys will be fine.

Can you do two tone or multi color toys?

At this point I can only do solid colors, due to the way the toys are manufacturered. If I find a way to make multi tone toys, I'll be sure to introduce it.


Do you take commissions of any kind?

No, I am not currently taking commissions. I focus on pre-mades for auctioning. If you wish to get notified about auctions, new stuff and commission status, feel free to follow my Twitter or joing my Telegram channel.


My shipment has been stuck in customs for a while. What do I do?

Customs is usually a point where packages get stuck, depending on how busy customs are. If you feel it takes too long, contact your local postal service and inquire about the shipment.

My shipment wasn't delivered but tracking says available for collection. What do I do?

All shipments are transferred to your local postal service upon entry in the destination country. Contact your local post office and inquire about the shipment

Why is my shipment being returned to sender?

In most cases this happens because the shipment was available for collection, but wasn't picked up within the given timeframe. It can also be due to a faulty or insufficient address provided.

In cases like these the postal service will not take the responsibility and therefore a new shipment will be charged if you should want the item to be sent to you again.

For that you will have to get in touch with us using the email provided below.

Are your adult items mailed in a discrete way?

Yes, all my orders are mailed in a small brown box with just a shipping label on it.


Where can I find your policies?

You can always find a link to my policies in the footer of the website. There are also links listed at the bottom of the page during checkout.

Upon placing an order on my website, you automatically accept my policies, so make sure to familiarize yourself with at least the basics.


Before contacting us, please make sure to have checked the FAQ section for your question first.

Nøddebovej 10
4200 Slagelse

VAT-id: DK40336486

for customer service contact:

Please note that any marketing material sent to this email address will be deleted promptly! This email address is for customers only!

if you are a company and want to send your marketing material, mail it to: